Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chest Pain

I spoke too soon!  I hate it when that happens.  On March 8th Gator had pains in his chest and said they were "pleursy".  On March 9th he woke up with the same pain in his chest.  It wasn't until we got to the Oncologist appointment that day, he that he said the pain radiated in his jaw and neck!  He says he didn't tell me because he knew I would flip out and think it was his heart.  WELL?!?!  Dr. Grim said that even though Gator used to have an average pulse of 60-70.....the 95-110 pulse that he's been having lately is a "high normal" and nothing to worry about given all the chemo and radiation and meds Gator has had.  Not very comforting, but ok we trust this how do I tell if it is his heart?  :{   Last night at the show Gator said that he had pain going across the upper part of his chest and he said he thinks things are changing.....He WONT go in!  We check his blood pressure a couple of times a day.  It runs right about 130/90 with 90-110 pulse!  Except for the past couple of days it has been around 100/60 with 95 pulse.  I wrote down all his sugar readings and BP's and Pulses for a week and we took them in to Dr. Grim.  He wasn't concerned, but it's just buggin' me ..... it doesn't feel right!  Gator also said that it scares him the way Dr. Grim and Ellen are always trying to push pain pills on him.  He's worried that the Dr. is trying to tell him something like "here comes the pain!"........  He goes in to OTO on Thursday (4 days!) to check his vocal chord ....

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