Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rolled Beamer!

Gator is very short of breath these days.  He still looks pretty good, hasn't really lost alot of weight (10lbs maybe)..biggest problem is the shortness of breath.  Not exactly sure what's causing it.  Could be the cancer in the right lung growing but we don't know, and won't know until the beginning of Feb. when he get's his next CT scan.  I keep asking him if he want's to call the Dr. but he says no.  His spirits are pretty good...God bless him!  He's a fighter.... 

We've both been extreemly depressed this past week though, since I rolled our beautiful BEAMER! 

It says 2004 but it's 2010, that date stamp on my camera is set wrong again!

I'm just sick about wrecking our baby.  I hydraplaned across I-5, slid backwards down the bank and flipped upside down into a ditch full of water!  I know I should just be thankful that I'm ok, but we were really looking forward to at least one more trip in warm weather with the top down.  Maybe once I get over all the soreness it will get a little easier not to feel so down.  We'll just keep pluggin' along.  2009 was such a difficult year with Gator's cancer and the deaths of family members and friends and people hurt in motorcycle crashes and friends fighting heart disease.  Now 2010 has not started out very well for us either!  On New Years Day I fell off the porch and hurt my lower back pretty bad, I had to go to the ER (and no, I don't drink!).  Then one week later I rolled the Beamer....We all need to start praying really hard for happier times!!!    :)

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